Healing the Root

Because Health is So Much More than Healing

We Believe the Body is Designed to Heal Itself

Our modalities treat the root in Spirit, Soul and Body to allow the body to do what God intended it to do.

Body Balance

Heal the root of physical issues with various alternative therapies that support the body, soul and spirit.


Permanent healing and wholeness requires a shift in how we do life.

Nutrition & Detox

Clean up toxins and discover what your body really needs to thrive.

TruDOSE is a regenerative IV treatment utilizing the healing power of your body’s own blood
platelets. By determining your body’s own unique platelet need, your body can restart it’s
immune and repair systems to get rid of systemic inflammation – which affects every system in the body. Its minimally invasive, has minimal risks and at the right dose, it can heal your body.

Nutritional Testing

We use a simple non-invasive technique to find out what’s going on with your body, and what it REALLY needs to help it heal itself.


Our  can reveal deeper roots that will allow us to remove barriers to healing and wholeness.

Products We Use

Cell Core: Transforming health through the science
of carbon technology.

Biotics Research: Combining nature’s principles with scientific ingenuity for over 48 years.

Standard Process: High quality WHOLE FOOD nutritional supplements.

Come On In!


By Appointment



(502) 678-9166




111 W. Main St., Suite 200, La Grange, KY 40031